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14 март 2019 Английски и физическо възпитание - защо не?  В иновативния урок днес, 5а клас изпълняваха разнообразни инструкции на англи...

четвъртък, 3 януари 2013 г.


good weather: 
sunny/fine          used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of sunshine
nice/lovely/glorious          very sunny and good
               if the weather is bright, the sun shines strongly
there isn't a cloud in the sky
          the sky is completely clear
         if the weather is dry, it does not rain
         sunny and not windy or rainy - used especially in weather forecasts

rain: wet/rainy/damp     used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of rainunsettled       if the weather is unsettled, it keeps changing and it often rains
drizzle      light rain which consists of very small drops of water
      a short period of rain
       a short period when it suddenly rains very heavily
it's pouring down British English/it's pouring rain American English it is raining very hard
it's drizzling
      it is raining a little, with very small drops of rain

snow: snowy    used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of snowsleet       a mixture of snow and rain
slush      a mixture of partly melted snow and ice
      frozen drops of rain, that fall as drops of ice
    a storm with a lot of snow and strong wind
        white powder that covers the ground when it is cold

wind: windy     used to describe a day or weather when there is a lot of wind
       very windy
breeze        a gentle pleasant wind
(in the Atlantic Ocean) /typhoon (in the Pacific Ocean) a violent storm with extremely strong winds

cloudy: cloudy used to describe weather or a day when there are a lot of clouds in the sky grey/dull        cloudy and not bright
overcast      if the sky is overcast, it is very cloudy and dark, and it is likely to rain
      not clear, especially because there is a slight mist caused by heat or smoke

hot: boiling/scorching/sizzling/blazing/burning/baking/broiling (hot)extremely hotsweltering  very hot and humid
warm a little hot, in a way that is pleasant
pleasantly warm, with a gentle wind blowing
a period of unusually hot weather 

cold: freezing (cold) extremely cold
arctic extremely cold, usually with a lot of ice and snow
wintry cold and snowy or rainy, like the weather in winter
if the air is crisp, it feels cold but pleasantly fresh and clear
a little too cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
a little cold, in a way that is pleasant
cold snap/cold spell
a period of unusually cold weather

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