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Yoga Class

14 март 2019 Английски и физическо възпитание - защо не?  В иновативния урок днес, 5а клас изпълняваха разнообразни инструкции на англи...

четвъртък, 3 януари 2013 г.

Dialogs 1

Personal Information1.    What's your surname (family name)?
2.    Smith
1.    What's your first name?
2.    Fred
1.    Where are you from?
2.    Atlanta, Georgia
1.    What's your job?
2.    I'm a teacher.
1.    What's your address?
2.    34 White Street
1.    What is your phone number?
2.    308-6730
1.    How old are you?
2.    54
1.    Are you married?
2.    Yes, I am.

What Shall we do?1.    Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend?
2.    Sure. What shall we do?
1.    I don't know. Do you have any ideas?
2.    Why don't we see a film?
1.    That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?
2.    Let's see "Action Man 4".
1.    I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown"? I hear it's quite a funny film.
2.    OK. Let's go see that. When is it on?
1.    It's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film? / a small meal/2.    Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant 'Michetti's'?
1.    Great idea! Let's meet there at six.
2.    OK. I'll see you at 'Michetti's' at six. Bye.
1.    Bye.

Ordering a Meal1.    Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
2.    Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
1.    Certainly, here you are.
2.    Thank you. What's today's special?
1.    Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
2.    That sounds good. I'll have that.
1.    Would you like something to drink?
2.    Yes, I'd like a coke.
1.    Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
2.    Thank you.
1.    Can I get you anything else?
2.    No thanks. I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.
1.    That'll be $6.75.
2.    Here you are. Keep the change!
1.    Thank you! Have a good day!
2.    Bye.

AT THE AIRPORTChecking In1.    Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?
2.    Here you are.
1.    Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
2.    Non-smoking, please.
1.    Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
2.    An aisle seat, please.
1.    Do you have any baggage?
2.    Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.
1.    Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
2.    Thank you.

Passport Control1.    Good morning. Can I see your passport?
2.    Here you are.
1.    Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?
2.    I'm a tourist.
1.    That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.
2.    Thank you. 

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