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Yoga Class

14 март 2019 Английски и физическо възпитание - защо не?  В иновативния урок днес, 5а клас изпълняваха разнообразни инструкции на англи...

събота, 12 януари 2013 г.


prompt   -   verb
1 [transitive] to make someone decide to do something
prompt somebody to do something
What prompted you to buy that suit?
2 [transitive] to make people say or do something as a reaction:
The decision prompted an outcry among prominent US campaigners.
3 [transitive] to help a speaker who pauses, by suggesting how to continue:
'I can't decide.' said Beatrice. 'Decide what?' prompted Marlon.
4 [transitive] to ask someone to do something on a computer:
A message will appear which will prompt you for certain information.
5 [intransitive and transitive] to remind an actor of the next words in a speech
prompt  -  adjective
1 done quickly, immediately, or at the right time:
Prompt action must be taken.
Prompt payment is requested.
a prompt response
2 [not before noun] someone who is prompt arrives or does something at the right time and is not late:
Lunch is at two. Try to be prompt.
—promptness noun [uncountable]
prompt  -  noun  [countable]
1 a word or words said to an actor in a play, to help them remember what to say
2 a sign on a computer screen which shows that the computer has finished one operation and is ready to begin the next
prompt‧er [countable]
someone who tells actors in a play what words to say when they forget
prompt  -  adverb  British English informal
at the time mentioned and no later [= sharp American English]
The bus will leave at 8 o'clock prompt.
moving very quickly: at high speed, like lightning, at top speed, flat out

doing something quickly: quick, rapid, swift, prompt, speedy

happening quickly: rapid, speedy, meteoric, at an alarming rate, in no time

See also

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