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14 март 2019 Английски и физическо възпитание - защо не?  В иновативния урок днес, 5а клас изпълняваха разнообразни инструкции на англи...

четвъртък, 3 януари 2013 г.


Shopping  Word List
Shop Assistant
Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
Are you being served ?
Sorry, we don't sell stamps.
Anything else?
It's on offer.
Buy two for the price of one.
How much / many would you like?
What size do you take?
Sorry, we are out of bread .
Would another colour do?
Would you like to try it on?
The fitting room is over there.
The dress suits you very well.
Pay at the cash desk / till, please.
I'll take this to the cash desk / till for you.
Here you are. / Here you go.
You're welcome.
That's 20 euros/euro altogether .
You don't happen to have any change , do you?
Here's your change.

I need ...
I'd like a bottle of milk, please.
Have you got souvenirs ?
Do you sell stamps?
Where can I buy post cards?
Where can I get a film for my camera?
Where can I find newspapers?
Are these bottles returnable ?
It doesn't fit me.
It doesn't suit me.
I don't like it.
It's too small / big / wide / tight / expensive .
I'm size ...
Have you got this in another size / colour?
May I try this on, please?
Where can I try this on, please?
How much is it?
That's all.
Where is the cash desk / till?
Could I get a receipt , please?
Could I get a (plastic) bag, please?
(I'm afraid/ Sorry) I don't have any change .
Do you accept credit cards?

Exercise: In the Ladies' Wear Department
§         Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?
§         Customer: Yes, I am looking for a pair of jeans.
§         SA: What size do you take?
§         C: Twenty-nine.
§         SA: We’ve got some very nice blue jeans here.
§         C: Well, blue doesn’t really suit me. Have you got them in black?
§         SA: Yes, here you are.
§         C: Thank you. Where can I try them on?
§         SA: The fitting room is over there.

C: They're
too big. Have you got them in a smaller size?
§  SA: I’ll just see. //Here you are.
§  C: These fit very well. How much are they?
§  SA: 27 pouds.
§  C: I’ll take them, please.

Начало на формуляра
Exercise: In the Ladies' Wear Department
Complete the dialogue. (typical dialogue with a female customer) ;o)
§        Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?
§        Customer: Yes, I am looking for a pair of jeans.
§        Shop assistant: What size do you take?
§        Customer: Twenty-nine.
§        Shop assistant: We have some very nice blue jeans here. They're on offer this week.
§        Customer: Well, I actually prefer black jeans.
§        Shop assistant: That's okay. We also have them in black.
§        Customer: Where can I try them on?
§        Shop assistant: The fitting room is over there.

The customer tries the jeans on.
§        Customer: They're too big.
§        Shop assistant: Would you like a smaller size?
§        Customer: Yes, please.

The customer tries the jeans on.
§        Customer: These fit rather well. But I think I look fat in them. Don't you think?
§        Shop assistant: Not at all. These jeans suit you very well.
§        Customer: Well, I think I will try on a blue pair.

The shop assistant brings a pair of blue jeans and the customer tries the jeans on.
§        Customer: They are very tight and I don't like blue jeans, anyway. Do you mind bringing me another pair in black?
§        Shop assistant: No, not at all. ...
Край на формуляра

ShoppingНачало на формуляра
Exercise: In the Men's Wear Department
Complete the dialogue. (typical dialogue with a male customer) ;o)
§         Customer: Excuse me, I need a shirt.
§         Shop assistant: Short-sleeved or long-sleeved?
§        Customer: Short-sleeved, please.
§        Shop assistant: What size do you take?
§        Customer: I don't know.
§        Shop assistant: I think you are size 40. Here is a nice chequered shirt. Would you like to try it on?
§       Customer: Yes, please.

The customer tries the shirt on.
§        Shop assistant: Does it fit?
§        Customer: Yes, it does. Where is the cash desk?
§        Shop assistant: It's over there. I will take the shirt there for you. 

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