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Yoga Class

14 март 2019 Английски и физическо възпитание - защо не?  В иновативния урок днес, 5а клас изпълняваха разнообразни инструкции на англи...

понеделник, 14 януари 2019 г.


1. Употреба - за обичайно повтарящи се действия и постоянни неща
I go to school.
My brother likes vegetables.

2. Yes/No questions and short answers
Do you like oranges? - Yes, I do.  /  No, I don't.
Does John go to school? - Yes, he does.  /  No, he doesn't.

3. Wh-questions
                      Peter lives in Shumen.
             Does Peter live in Shumen?
Where  does Peter live?

петък, 4 януари 2019 г.

How to cope with negative feelings - THE 4 PROBLEMS

My problem is the noise in the classroom. My classmates who daily disrupt the discipline are a few but obstruct everyone. The measures taken by the class supervisor and the class managers do not produce a good result. Very often I can’t understand the lesson because of the noise.

My problem is that I want a dog but Mom and Dad don’t agree /не са съгласни/. Despite my strong desire for a dog, they tell me that I will have to get up earlier than usual to walk the dog and other similar things connected with the dog.

My personal problem is that I am very shy. I want to fix that problem because I would like to meet new people and communicate with them freely.

There are only two TVs in our house. Everyone wants to watch a different program so we often argue. That’s why we must make compromises.

сряда, 2 януари 2019 г.

How to cope with Negative Feelings /vocabulary/

How to cope with Negative Feelings

cope with - справям се с
feelings - чувства

When does a problem become a problem?
When the other person feels hurt.

He/She is     like a baby, teacher, mother, father, …
bossy, untidy, dirty, noisy, annoying (дразнещ, досаден), disgusting(отвратителен, възмутителен), too strict(много строг), always angry with me, pessimistic, absent-minded (разсеян)

I feel             sad, annoyed (ядосан, раздразнен), hurt (наранен), angry, nervous, embarrassed (притеснен, засрамен), uneasy (неловко), disgusted (отвратен, възмутен)

It’s so difficult to please him/her/them. Толкова е трудно да му/ѝ/им угодиш.
Everything I do annoys him/her/them. Всичко, което правя ги дразни/ядосва
insult  /ɪnˈsʌlt/ ●●○ verb  обиждам
insulting remarks обидни забележки
to be insulting to somebody обиждам някого
offended - обиден

distract – v разсейвам
distracting – adj разсейващ
distracted – adj разсеян

When I try to stay focused, he/she always distracts me.

mess about/around to behave in a silly way when you should be paying attention or doing something sensible  - въртя се, закачам се
• Stop messing around and pay attention!

He is never caught messing around in lessons! It is always me that the teacher punishes! – Никога не го хващат, че се закача в час! Учителят винаги мен наказва!

lark about/around phrasal verb British English informal to have fun by behaving in a silly way SYN mess about закачам се
A couple of boys were larking about in the pool.
Mr Grainger claims his 13-year-old son James was punched in the chest when he was caught larking about in lessons.

bother1 /ˈbɒðə $ ˈbɑːðər/ ●●● S1 W3 verb   to make someone feel slightly worriedupset, or concerned притеснявам, безпокоя
Being in a crowd really bothers me. 
 bothered /ˈbɒðəd $ ˈbɑːðərd/ adjective [not before noun]   1 worried or upset
bothered about 
He doesn’t seem too bothered about the things that are written about him in the papers.

embarrass /ɪmˈbærəs/ ●●○ verb [transitive]    1 to make someone feel ashamednervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people притеснявам, засрамвам някого публично
He didn’t want to embarrass her by asking questions.
 hope I didn't embarrass you in front of your friends.

oppress /əˈpres/ verb [transitive]     to make someone feel unhappyworried, or uncomfortable безпокоя, потискам
The gloom in the chapel oppressed her.
oppressed; oppressive

bully2 ●●○ verb (bulliedbullyingbullies)  to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or weaker тормозя
He always bullies me!Той непрекъснато ме тормози!

feel left out to feel that you are not accepted or welcome in a situation чувствам се нежелан, отхвърлен

it depresses me това ме потиска 

yell1 /jel/ ●●○ verb    1 [intransitive, transitive] 
yell at Don’t you yell at me like that!